We invite you to the opening

On Tuesday, 11 October, in the early evening, an exhibition on the international architectural competition for the MEHRIN Museum building was opened. Visitors can see the designs of all four participants in the competition in the form of professional models, visualisations and panels. It was a great honour for us to have the personal participation of the winner of the competition - the famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, who was in Brno for the first time [...]


The international architectural competition for the new building of the Moravian Jewish Museum Mehrin was launched in February this year after more than a year of preparations. The following studios participated.

The competition for the design of the new museum building is half over

  The architectural competition for the new building of the Moravian Jewish MuseumMEHRIN is already half over, so the place where the new building will be built was quite busy. In the last month, all the competitors took turns in Brno to see the site where the building is to stand (for a reminder - next to the bus station at the Grand Hotel, on the site of the existing parking lot). Japanese architect Kengo Kuma [...]

The architectural competition has begun!

The competition began on 1 February 2022 and the winning design is expected to be announced in early September this year. The nine-member jury is headed by Czech architecture legend Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot. [...]

Peter and Lea Brod Library

We signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the director of the Moravian Library, Professor Tomáš Kubíček, according to which a branch of the Moravian Library should be established in the premises of Mehrin, focusing on Judaica, Hebrew, Jewish authors and other related literature. [...]

Belgium, Germany and Israel

After all the covid restrictions, the opportunity to travel finally presented itself in the autumn of 2021. Martin Reiner, the founder of the project, visited Ypres, Berlin and Jezuzalem.

What will the museum be called

One of the men who came to the conference, and with whom we are now working, is Petr Brod, a journalist known from Free Europe and BBC broadcasts.
And it was he who suggested the name of our museum, which we liked and started to use: Mehrin (מעהרין). [...]

Looking back at the conference

The international conference was finally successful - and live! - took place, even though nothing was certain until three weeks before the start. [...]

Thanks to the conference partners

The international conference, which will take place on 20-23 June, has not only a great line-up but also a very attractive programme. [...]

Pink & Loom on the Moon

Martin Reiner, the director of the Foundation, met in Prague with Karel Poupět and Radovan Síbrt, who (together with Alžbětová Karásková) form the Pink production group, and who have made a number of excellent audiovisual exhibitions in their twelve years of existence. The latest of these is one of the largest multimedia installations in the world (110 metres of continuous projection) Moments of History at the National [...]

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