White Places of Jewish Moravia and Vienna

"Moravia had been for centuries a refuge for Jews from neighbouring countries, and these newly
the newcomers contributed in many ways to the culture, society and religious life of Moravian Jews. From the middle of the 18th century onwards, Moravia tended to produce Jewish migrants itself, first because of repressive restrictions on residence, employment and marriage, and then, paradoxically, because of the freedoms brought by emancipation, first in 1848 and finally in 1867. As a result, Moravian Jews dispersed throughout Europe and contributed to many religious, political, scientific, musical, and ideological movements of the 19th and 20th centuries."

With these words, Michael L.
Miller's lecture Moravian Jews: a European perspective. Let's
to reflect together on the overlap of Jewish Moravia into Vienna and, conversely, on the role of Vienna and Lower Austria in the life of Moravian Jewish communities.
Prof. Dr Christfried Tögel accepted our invitation as keynote speaker -
editor of several editions of Sigmund Freud's letters and author of 10 books on dream research and Freud's biography, editor of the complete edition of Sigmund Freud's works in 23 volumes, Sigmund Freud - Hauptseite.

His draft papers on white spaces in the relationship between Jewish Moravia and
Lower Austria across time, which you have managed to cover with your research
or which you suspect are waiting to be explored, please send in
of up to 150 words to muzeum@malymehrin.cz until 31 January 2025.
The conference programme will be finalised during February.

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