Meetings of the Board of Directors

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The first board meeting in March was interrupted by coronavirus measures, so we finally met at the end of the holidays.

At the last minute, the mayor, Mrs. Vaňková, excused herself, but there were enough of us to elect a new reviser, who became Dita Machourková (the only woman in the photos). During the two hours we discussed a lot of things, the most attention was paid to the selection of the logo (the final result should be known hopefully during September) and then the international conference, which we want to organize next spring in Brno.
We also talked about the most interesting form of crowdfunding so that you could express your sympathy for the project of building the Holocaust Documentation Centre in Moravia in a way other than by liking it on social networks.

Thanks to Vítek Mádra for the photos.

Stay tuned, more news coming soon.

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